MARCH – Registration is officially open for the 41st Biennial Convention – “Growing in God’s Grace” in Omaha, NE.  Make your plans for June 26-29 for a time of renewal and refreshment, catching up with old friends, meeting new friends and everything in between! For all information related to Convention, check out the LWML website:

Registration is now OPEN!

Nebraska Fun Fact: Billionaire Warren Buffet lives in Omaha in a home he purchased in the 70’s. Also, Omaha has hosted the College World Series annually since 1950. Nebraska Fun Fact: Dorothy Lynch salad dressing has its origins in Nebraska, as does Ranch dressing! Also, the “Reuben” sandwich was created in Nebraska.

Here’s what our District has been doing locally and abroad with your mites in this biennunium’s Mission Grant Goals

Below you can read our Mission Grants for the biennium.

Attendees at various District Conventions this year were treated to a message from LWML President Eden Keefe. Click to view her video.

For those who love the minutiae, here are the minutes from our 2024 convention! Click on the image below to read or download.

You can find a wealth of information here: the “Leaguer”, mission grant information, upcoming events, and more. Just ask on the “contact us” page if you have any  questions or concerns.


As Lutheran Women in Mission, we joyfully proclaim Christ, support missions, and equip women to honor God by serving others.

Serve the LORD with gladness! (Psalm 100:2).


Were you a Young Woman Representative (YWR) in the past for Nebraska North District or any other District?  Were you a YWR at a District Convention or at the National Convention?  

If so, we want to hear from you! 

If you have not been a participant of the YWR program, do you know of someone who has? If so, please share this information with them! 

Future District YWR Events potentially coming your way!  

YWRs – Complete the Survey below for more information:

Nebraska is hosting the 2025 National LWML Convention! We are very excited to see everyone in Omaha, however we need your help to make the event a success!


Convention Reminder:  Please encourage anyone using social media about convention to include the #LWMLConvention hashtag. That will make it fun and easy for us all to connect with each other on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, etc.