Sisters in Christ,
We have a challenge! As of the end of January 2019 the National LWML Mission Grant Goal was $450,000 short. Please be aware that the end of our biennium is March 30. It is time for us to search our heart, as well as under our couch cushions, car seats, and even our checkbooks so that we, the LWML, are able to share the love of Jesus with all the people we committed to support in their ministries at the 2017 convention in Albuquerque.
When President Katy (Nebraska South) and I considered how we, as LWML District Presidents, could encourage our women (and men) to contribute to help make this goal become a reality we got a little competitive. So, here is the Great LWML Mission Challenge of 2019. We have agreed to add a little fun to this. While we ask you all to prayerfully consider each gift that you give to the LWML for missions, we hope that you will enjoy a little friendly challenge as well. Here it is:
Crown or gown? The district president whose district donates more Mites in the month of February 2019 will get to wear a crown. The other district president will wear a gown … of the other president’s choosing. You can be sure that it will not be an updated piece of fashion. The unveiling will be held at our Dual District Seek and Serve day on April 27th at St. John Lutheran Church in Seward.
I ask you as individuals and as societies to prayerfully consider an extra Mite offering, to the glory of God, so that we can be God’s hands and feet, His lips and voice as His love is shared around the world.
Please send your gift to Financial Treasurer, Shelley Freudenburg so it is received by February 28. You may choose to give a gift directly to the national goal or have it be for our district and national goals as we usually do. This can be marked on the voucher or in the memo line.
Lisa Stirtz
LWML Nebraska North District, President