Lutheran Women in Mission

Author ericksbl

Bless your pastors’ wives!

Pillowcase design

Here is the pillowcase design that will be used at Seek & Serve, April 22nd. Check the calendar for more information.

It’s never to early to get rockin’!

The Rock-a-thon was such a huge success, in so many ways, that it will be featured again at convention this June! Here is the pledge form for it.


Click here to learn more about the LWML blog!

Giving Tuesday!

Giving Tuesday is November 28th, 2017! Find out more here!

LWML Brand Guidelines 2017

Do you have questions about how to use or display the new logo? Find answers here!

Enjoy the Summer 2017 Leaguer “in peace”


New Logo Reveal and Explanation


Convention Reminder:

Please encourage anyone using social media about convention to include the #LWMLConvention hashtag. That will make it fun and easy for us all to connect with each other on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. during the week ahead!

LWML Fashion Luncheon

 ATTENTION LADIES OF ALL AGES: Come join the LWML ladies in an afternoon of fashion. View today’s current fashions while enjoying some salads and desserts provided by the Christ Lutheran Church’s LWML ladies. The Norfolk Shopko store will be providing… Continue Reading →

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