Winter 2016 Leaguer
Leaguer Fall 2016
Just a reminder that the north/south road that most of us take to LHNE will be closed. Alternate routes (pictured below) are to go around and take Eisenhower to 37th street and head south to the school.
In-gathering 2016 Camp Luther and JOS
2014 – 2016 Mission Grant Poster We now have the 4 mission grants across the top row paid. Also paid are the bottom right Teen and YWR grants.
The $7000 “Missionary to Central Alaska”mission grant has been paid! Here is some correspondence from Alaska: Greetings in the Name of the Risen Lord! I wanted to share some pictures and other information with you. Attached you will find a… Continue Reading →
#lwmlNEN Pronounced “hashtag lwmlNEN” (everything but the word hashtag is spelled out) What is it? This is a label that, when used in social media, will connect comments and pictures. When can I use it? Anytime you want to share… Continue Reading →
LWML 2016 District Convention Registration Form
Norfolk Hotel Information
Summer 2016 Leaguer
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