The $7000 “Missionary to Central Alaska”mission grant has been paid! Here is some correspondence from Alaska:
Greetings in the Name of the Risen Lord!
I wanted to share some pictures and other information with you. Attached you will find a letter along with the January Newsletter that I sent out. I hope you enjoy.
If you would like I can add you to my regular email list and you will get all my updates!
God Bless,
Pastor Keith
Sunday after Easter. Worship at St. Timothy in Tanacross
Knowing how to hunt gives us an opportunity to live a subsistence type lifestyle and provide meat for folks in the village. Meat from this caribou went towards our Sunday lunch after Church.
Our boys have been learning about sled dogs and racing. The villages are greatly involved in this sport and the relationships we develop through our participation continue to open doors to sharing the Gospel.
In the extreme cold my beard tends to get a little more white in it!